The Joint Commission

The network of clinics that make up Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic voluntarily underwent a challenging, comprehensive evaluation by the Joint Commission. Accreditation by the Joint Commission is considered the Gold Standard in health care.

Doctors and nurses from the Joint Commission personally visited our facilities to conduct a review and looked at how well our facilities:

  • Provide a safe environment for your care
  • Educate you about the risks and options for diagnosis and treatment
  • Protect your rights as a patient including your right to confidentiality
  • Evaluate your condition, before, during, and after diagnosis and treatment
  • Protect you against infection
  • Plans for emergency situations

The fact that this facility has gone through this evaluation shows an extraordinary commitment to providing safe, high-quality care and a willingness to be measured against the highest standards of performance.

If you have a concern regarding the quality or safety of the care you received, you are encouraged to report your concern first to the clinic administrator at the location of your concern or to the patient safety staff in Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic's Quality Department. If you feel your concerns still have not been addressed, we encourage you to then notify The Joint Commission so that we may work together to ensure the highest quality care.