Regular Hours
Behavioral Health
MON – FRI | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
SAT – SUN | Closed
Holiday Hours
Closed | 02/19/2024 - President's Day
Closed | 05/27/2024 - Memorial Day
Closed | 07/04/2024 - Independence Day
Closed | 09/02/2024 - Labor Day
Closed | 11/28/2024 - Thanksgiving Day
Closed | 11/29/2024 - Day after Thanksgiving
Closed | 12/25/2024 - Christmas
Closed | 01/01/2025 - New Year's Day


More Information
Behavioral Health Services clinicians at this location include mental health counselors, therapists, and substance use professionals. We specialize in behavioral health disorders in children and adolescents and work with the family to develop a service plan and provide individualized treatment. Services at this location include:
- Mental health and substance use assessments
- Mental health individual and group therapy
- Outpatient and intensive outpatient substance use treatment services
- Counseling and consultation in schools and other community settings
- Service coordination with your primary care provider
Are you a new Patient? To book a visit, call (509) 575-8457