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What is Shigella?
Shigella is a bacteria that can spread easily from one person to another and it only takes a small
amount of Shigella to cause illness. Individuals can get infected by swallowing Shigella, such as:
- Touching surfaces or items contaminated with Shigella bacteria from someone with an infection and then touching your mouth
- Eating food prepared by someone with a Shigella infection
Most people with Shigella infection experience:
- Diarrhea that can be bloody or prolonged (lasting more than 3 days)
- Fever
- Stomach pain
- Feeling the need to pass stool even when the bowels are empty
Symptoms usually start 1-2 days after an infection and last 7 days. Individuals who are
experiencing severe or persistent symptoms should seek medical attention immediately.
Posted in General Health