Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic announces the winner of the 2022 Employer Excellence in Breastfeeding Support Award

Breastmilk and breastfeeding have many proven health benefits for babies and mothers alike. Every year, Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic recognizes local employers who go the extra mile to support mothers in their breastfeeding journeys. Employees at the Office of Joseph Brusic, Yakima County Court House, nominated their employer for the 2022 Employer Excellence in Breastfeeding Support award for excellence in providing support for mothers returning to work and breastfeeding.

Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic, in partnership with the Yakima Health Equity Forum, a Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences student organization, presented the Award during a Yakima City Commission meeting.

Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic WIC Dietitian Gabrielle Frank said, “Employers like Office of Joseph Brusic, Yakima County Court House, go above and beyond to support breastfeeding in the workplace, deserve recognition for their efforts. I look forward to other area employers learning about this important topic and finding ways to innovate and help their employees and children be healthier.”

“Women who want to continue breastfeeding after they return to work face major obstacles,” said Frank. “However, employees at Office of Joseph Brusic, Yakima County Court House are welcomed with open arms.”

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