

We're here for you.

Contact us for patient questions, job applications, student opportunities, or quality of care concerns. We're here to answer your questions.

Patient Questions

Book, change or cancel appointments

If you need to book, change, or cancel an appointment you can do so from the MyChart online patient medical records system. If you’re not already signed up for MyChart you will be able to create an account. If you are a new patient or need to contact your clinic directly, you can find contact information from the clinic search page. Find a clinic.

Manage or refill prescriptions

If you need to renew or refill a prescription you can do so in MyChart. We can also deliver prescriptions directly to your home. For more information please call (866) 983-9279.

Quality of care concerns

If you are a patient with a concern regarding the quality or safety of the care you received at any of our clinics, you are encouraged to report it to the clinic administrator at the clinic of your concern. You may also contact the Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic Quality Department at concerns@yvfwc.org.

Media Inquiries

For all media inquiries, please call (509) 314-1013 or email media@yvfwc.org.

Other Opportunities

Students and volunteers, Fellowships, and Residencies

If you want to find out more about opportunities for students at our clinics you can contact us from the Students and Volunteers page.

As we work to provide the best care for our patients, Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic recognizes the need and the benefit of training and mentoring the next generation of healthcare professionals. View all available Fellowship programs.

Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic offers several medical and dental residency programs designed to provide participants with intensive training in a clinical setting. Learn more about our Residency programs.
