Request for Proposals

Evaluation and Reporting Services for

Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic Northwest Community Action Center
21st Century Community Learning Center Programs

Dates of Service: Proposed Contract Period runs September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2026.

Scope of Service: Proposed offeror to provide evaluation services and technical assistance for the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Programs administered by the Northwest Community Action Center (NCAC) in partnership with the Mid-Valley Providers Consortium (MVPC) and providers in the surrounding communities. Evaluation information generated through this contract will be used by NCAC Education Program Staff, 21st CCLC site staff, and OSPI to improve the delivery of services through the 21st CCLC after-school programs.

Offeror must outline a plan to conduct all evaluation activities as outlined below:

Local Evaluation

    • Create survey collection instruments as necessary to collect information needed to complete all evaluation activities. Oversee the collection of program and academic achievement data. Analyze academic achievement and outcome data;
    • Conduct annual on-site visits to each 21st CCLC site, observing offerings, evaluating effectiveness/quality, and asking questions to gather program information. Complete unique and distinctive recommendations for each program site which tie to sites’ individual program designs. Provide the NCAC Education staff a feedback summary for each site visit;
    • Complete SEL PQA External Assessments based on directions and timelines provided from OSPI and NCAC for each center. Provide the findings of each assessment in the data system designation by OSPI for the Evaluation process;
    • Organize and facilitate the distribution and collection of required participant (family, youth, teacher) surveys. Tally survey results and report results as required by 21 CCLC Evaluation requirements;
    • Develop a Local Evaluation Report by analyzing student achievements and other data that correlates each site’s goals, outcomes and activities and provide programmatic recommendations based on finding. Report to include program descriptions and visual representations of outcomes as needed; and
    • Provide technical assistance to NCAC and 21st CCLC site staff as they participate in the completion of all required OSPI Evaluation and Annual Performance Reporting.

On-going Technical Assistance and Support

  • Provide monthly email and telephone technical assistance to NCAC Education staff and 21st CCLC site staff as necessary to gather data needed to complete reporting and evaluation requirements;
  • Review data on a regular basis and provide monthly log of missing items; and
  • Suggest changes and updates to data collection methods as needed.

Required Reporting

    • Provide necessary forms and deadlines to administrative and site staff for all reporting deadlines including:
      • Logic model development and submission for each site annually;
      • YPQI required external assessment for each site annually. Score and enter data into the online Scores Reporter or new reporting tools as required;
      • Washington Data Portal System evaluation reporting requirements;
      • OSPI continuation reporting; and
      • Other 21st CCLC reporting requirements of NCAC.

Required Evaluation Trainings and Meetings

    • Participate in required YPQI External Assessors’ Training as needed to maintain certification;
    • Participate in YPQA meetings and webinars as agreed;
    • Attend state Director and Evaluator meetings in the fall and spring as required by OSPI.

Confidentiality Agreement

The agency awarded the evaluation contract will sign a confidentiality agreement related to the data collection and management system for all sites.

Anticipated Costs of Contract:

Offeror to include a detailed budget outline and narrative describing ALL the anticipated costs to conduct the evaluation activities for each site individually and include the cost of the contract for up to nine (9) sites. The cost per site should be reasonable and include any travel/transportation costs to visit sites and attend the required meetings and trainings.

Final contract amounts will be determined based on the number of active sites operating at the time the contract is finalized. The contract may be amended to add or decrease the number of sites covered through the contract period.

Required Qualifications:

  • Familiar with the population of the Lower Yakima Valley
  • Previous experience in evaluation of state or federally funded programs
  • Previous experience with Non-Profit Community Based Organizations

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Previous experience working with Toppenish, Sunnyside, Grandview, Mt. Adam’s, Mabton and/or Granger School Districts
  • Previous experience Evaluating with the 21st CCLC Program
  • Trained and knowledgeable in YPQI Methods and Management
  • Preference will be given to offerors who are located in the State of Washington and live within close proximity to the NCAC 21st CCLC Programs participating in the evaluation activities.

To apply:

  • Send letter of interest, resume, and proposed activities and budget to Any budget should include all transportation costs and any other anticipated costs associated with the completion of Evaluation services annually.

Offers will be accepted through June 28, 2024.